
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Quickly clearing out the 400+ items on my rss-feeder. This is what happens when you choose reading by the water over obsessively checking the news. [Picture related]



Vote over at i09 for which cybernetic upgrade you’d opt for first. If you are, like some of my friends, already equipped with a cybernetic upgrade, just write down what you are currently rocking.

Which three programming languages should every sysadmin learn? 

University of Washington is offering a 9-month, online data science degree for a cool $3000. hadoop, SQL,  graph algos, etc to be covered. 

More relevant to everyone else is the website CanIStream.It, which tells you if the movie you’d like to watch is available on any of the various ways you can watch movies online. For example, Thor? Definitely on Netflix instant. My goal to work my way through the Woody Allen oeuvre? De-railed for the evening.


Look! 500 movies you can watch for free, online, without breaking any laws! [Giz]

Nerd-babies. Nuff said.

Possibly should be cross-posted under Tech, but here are some examples of exercises you can do while sitting at your desk. [LH]

Not that these 20 Last Minute Gifts for Fathers Day are relevant, because I’ve totally got that covered, I swear.


Are you over-propped, asks the NYT? Well, seeing as one of my decorating props is an airplane prop, then, possibly, yes I am. 

Finally, a good reason to use a 3D printer, copying famous statues for work and home (and garden; I think my family really needs a Thinker out there among the sunflowers).

Small Batch Canning: A Guide.

Have a good evening!

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Waiting around for hapless computer users to come into the library, thought I’d clean out my “read that sometime” window…


Because I feel like I do consumer advisory on almost a daily basis between clients, friends, and family, here’s a good general guide to Picking Out A New Laptop. I have mine chosen, but need some more moolah, n’est pas? Alternatively, right now I’d settle for one I couldn’t use to cook eggs. Watch your system fans, ladies and germs.

Aaaand then I think I’ll get around to re-installing Linux. Possibly Ubuntu, which has a new release up soon, but maybe Arch?

I know I am odd in that I dislike reading books on an ereader (though I’m not alone), but I could get behind the “sending any article anywhere to your Kindle to read later.” 

I recently got around to watching the Iron Man movies (yes, yes, in preparation for Avengers), so I’ve been thinking about JARVIS a lot, and how one might make some semblance of a JARVIS in one’s own home. Luckily, there’s a good intro-wiki for learning how to hack your electronics [LH]. I’m thinking my first project might be an Automated Cat Feeder, for the 3 lions:


Big news of the week from Google: the release of GoogleDrive, colloquially referred to as the DropBoxKiller. Here’s a good comparison of the many cloud-storage solutions available these days. I use Box, but that’s only because their Android release a few months ago came with a 50G (read: 10 times their usual storage) incentive. If you decide on GoogleDrive, here’s the guide to switching over without wanting to murder a server.

Here’s a great guide to learning a language quickly by immersing yourself as much as possible while still living in America. Some great resources and suggestions. As I’ve been getting back into Spanish (aka watching dubbed episodes of “Cyberchase” on HuluLatino), and thinking about acquiring Portuguese, this was super helpful. Also, there was a good link to ease of learning a given language for English speakers, which makes for a good goal list. 

Home and Hearth

Okay so you’ve all been cutting your onions wrong. And doing other stupid stuff in the kitchen, but we’re going to focus on the onion-cutting, which Blew My Mind. Well, that and the pomegranate hack. If Persephone had known that last one, we’d still be in an ice-age.

Also I live with a drummer. And a violinist. And a “trying to learn to play French horn” person. All the same person, btw, but we can talk about my weird family later. (French Horn sounds like a constipated elephant until it gets good, fyi). So possibly some sound paneling might come in handy? DIY option, here.

Object Coveting: These salt-n-pepper shakers. [Giz]

Wall Decoration: Minimalist Maps of American Universities. And there are customization options! Pemaquid peninsula here I come (if I had $200, that is).


A story of contrasts for me and my awesome friend Lita, who’s reviewing the Tribeca Film Festival right now. I’m jealous she gets to see so many cool movies before the rest of us. Meanwhile, I’m excited about a trailer drop for Brave and excited about analyzing the impact of the Occupy Movement and revolution in general on the message of “art as protest” in the newest Step-Up movie. So sometimes we don’t see eye-to-eye on film? 

I’m currently curating a list of books that Millenials/GenY might like, so this list of “books about young women” will hopefully help me expand my reading repertoire. 

In music, Sam Tsui just dropped another mega-mashup, this time of Britney Spears songs from way back in the day up to now. No shame about singing along. No Shame. [UnicornBooty]

And in LGBTQQA* issues, even if you are disappointed with the federal gov’t recently with LGBT issues, President Obama actually has done a lot. Just a reminder. [UnicornBooty]


That’s all folks! Have a great rest of the week/weekend. 



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A Resurrection

Hey everybody (all…three of you. Recommend this to more people, would you?) I’m back! Trying to (a) do this more often and (b) make it more interesting for you, the reader.

So I’m adding headers? Maybe pictures, later on. 


Setting up a home recording studio. [Gizmodo]

ReadItLater turns into Pocket, a place for you to stash all those articles (like the ones I post!) for a moment until you can get to it. [Lifehacker]

PicMonkey does almost everything a basic user (aka up-to-and-including-hue/saturation) might want with a photo, online. Very intuitive, beautiful interface. [Lifehacker]

GadgetLust: Belkin Portable USB surge protector. [Lifehacker]

Pop Culture (Lit, Film, Art)

Bridging the gap between tech and pop culture is the lovely Michael Fassbender in a new promo for Prometheus, which I can’t wait to see. [ToplessRobot]

Some literary classics, done up in slang. For example: “Avast ye readers! Ye may call me Ishmael. Some years ago – belay how long precisely – havin’ little or no doubloons in me purse, and nothin’ particular t’ interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see t’ watery part o’ t’ world.” [Flavorwire]

As one of my day-jobs, I work in a pretty cool public library. But these 25 beautiful public (public!) libraries from around the world blew me away. [Flavorwire]

Some awards for books were handed out this week. Also known as 2011: the year Columbia thought fiction sucked.

Lifestyle (dear lord someone help me come up with a better section title)

Because I think I might be moving soon, these city-based laundry/bike/grocery services might soon become very important. [ApartmentTherapy]

And of course I’ll need really really really nerdy / awesome posters and indie t-shirts to live there. [Redbubble] #teampeetapotter

Also, might need a custom-made dress, too. For under the $90 mark, b/c rent is ridiculous, did you know? [Jezebel


Snow Leopard Tickled. Nuff Said. [Jezebel]

Marines with kids / animals. [Jezebel]

Wolves question the race to the bottom: Uggs?

.. . 

Thaaaat’s all folks! I am sort of in the process of revamping this blog, so I am taking suggestions. More pictures (warning: they will all be from my instagram. faux-filters ahoy!)? More tech? A better title for “lifestyle”? An actual update schedule? Come at me, broskis.


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Why yes, I am procrastinating writing my novel for NaNoWriMo. Enjoy the links, they are of a mixed bag tonight.

A great, simple explanation on how to make your presentation slides not look like a four-year-old new to MSPaint designed them, by a non-design person.

Real-Estate Curiosities. Whoooooo wants a castle? I do!

Hahn-Bin, my new favorite classical musician (other than my little sib, natch).

Vampire Bacteria! Finally, vampires will do something more useful than glittering! (But seriously, these are totally awesome from a usefulness standpoint but also ranking pretty high on my germ-geek-o-meter).

An article reminding us that were probably don’t actually “suck” at an activity: we just haven’t really tried. Thanks for motivating me to learn to code, Lifehacker!

I love mashup culture and the clean lines of an Ikea store. So of course my new favorite design inspiration is IkeaHacks.

Not sure where you might be able to stream that movie (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Itunes, etc)? This website answers that question for you.

Flavorwire’s 10 New Reads to anticipate for November. I don’t have time read anything this month–writing writing writing writing–but I am actually super excited for the new Stephen King fix-it novel about JFK’s assassination.

In the vein of writing I am currently procrastinating, io9 put together a somewhat-helpful article on things to remember when writing your sci-fi/fantasy novel (like mine).

Necessary Star Wars French Geekery.

A good comic from TheOatmeal that I hadn’t seen before on “What we SHOULD have been learning senior year of high school.”


Off to drink some fortifying wine and dive back into the novel.

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I update my blog with links. Here you go!

Some interesting posts on writing, a personal issue with which I am struggling right now. First, How to Write a Novel in Three Days (no one said it had to be a good novel). Then, a beautiful, funny, essay on How To Become a Writer, by Lorrie Moore.

Found a great article in the NYTimes on “Super People.” You know, those people who play 2 instruments well, played 3 sports in college, maintained 4.0s in their engineering major, and taught art to paraplegic orphan elephants in Bhutan over summer break? Yes. Them. Apparently I am only familiar with them because I was part of the 1% of college students to attend an Ivy-League-Or-Similar institution.

But this is okay, because we all kind of suck at trying to be adults, anyway.

I hate horror movies (except for An American Werewolf in London), but here’s a good guide to the Top 50 Scariest Movies.

I’d much rather get my scares from books. Which is why I am so super psyched about Haruki Murakami’s new tome, 1Q84, coming out in the states.

Quick break: Puppies vs. Babies. You will all recognize a lot of the clips, because you have emailed them to me, all the time.

Back to the deeper issues: in case you were not aware, the OccupyMaine protest had an IED thrown at their encampment in Lincoln Park.

A radio host is recommending that you steer your children away from homosexual doctors, because they might give your child “The Gay.” Just make up your mind: is being a gay a choice or a disease?

The Rum Diary (oh Hunter S) came out this weekend, so you should get out some great moments of film drunken behaviour. Quote: “The best research for playing a drunk is being a British actor for 20 years,” says Michael Caine.

Sob Sob Sob. The last of the Deleted Harry Potter Scenes. This franchise just can’t stop making me feel like my childhood is over, can it.

Last thing, to cheer you up: Johnny Weir, glittered-up-to-here, performing a simple routine to Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face.”

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Hello my scads of link-hungry folks! I guess I haven’t abandoned this blog at all. Let’s get things started, shall we?

First, going to pimp my dad’s art work, because the earring-holders-as-beautiful-found-object-sculpture are (1) AWESOME AS CHRISTMAHANNAKWANZIKA PRESENTS FOR THE DISCERNING HOLIDAY SHOPPER and (2) taking up room in my house. Here is an example:

"Adrift" Photo Credit to Abigail Kellogg

and the link to his Etsy. There are more than just those listed. Give me a holler if you want to purchase one (more college-student-friendly rates for smaller pieces).

Onto the links:

Yet another nail in the BPA coffin. Also, BPA and DES (Diethylstilbestrol) are often linked together in studies because they both appear impact estrogen-specific pathways. Awesome.

Halloween. Scary, slutty, just plain weird? If you, too, are not interested in being a “Sexy! Anime Character Riding a Wolf..With Glitter!”, try out these alternative awesome women’s costume ideas. I, for one, will be going, possibly nowhere, as a gay fairy. There is a rainbow tutu involved that I made myself!

And, if you get like me and have too many Halloween (or just, you know, Saturday afternoon) costumes, here’s a cool look inside some closets of serious style bloggers. I wish mine were that organized.

Also in the vein of Halloween ideas, here are some more mythical creatures you can go as. “What are you, again?” “Oh, you’ve probably never heard of Jorogumo, huh…” Hipster costumes, minus the irony.

If you are in a Disney Princess sort of mood (and I bet you are, now), take a look at these beautiful, if eerie, portraits of Disney Princesses as “real” people. Belle looks unimpressed with the artist, as she would. Love Belle. Anyway, back to the links.

To sum up the vague sort of disgust I have this year with all this “Sexy Ninja Turtle” this and “Sexy Assaj Ventress” nonsense, here is a great feminist discussion of why over-sexualized comic book heroines are doing no one any good, especially the women they are supposed to inspire. I wholeheartedly endorse this position.

Veering away from sad things about this here world, here is a funny new internet trend for those not in-the-know: Mocking Stock Photography.

In design drooling, this pretty much exemplifies the vibe I want a future living space to exude.

Rachel Maddow (massive crush. massive) sent Mitt Romney a message this week from her “Man-Cave” to explain to him some facts about conception, contraception, & how his comments make him sound like he’s going to make taking The Pill into a murder. Don’t worry, she’s aaaallll over this.

And finally, we need to get on this important project. Penguins need sweaters, everybody.

Also pay attention to OccupyWallSt, but you all knew that, yeah?

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Long time no write. Since my last post, I have (1) gotten a job for the summer, (2) read some great books, and (3) jumped on the GooglePlus bandwagon. It’s still pretty quiet out there, but maybe you all will come with me?

Anyway, links.

Have always loved Morrocan Tiles. Or maybe it’s the daubing on the walls and a design scheme that isn’t afraid of color? Maybe I just like the idea of putting my travels everywhere.

DIYs all over the place: Make an Indoor/Outdoor rug out of a tablecloth and No-Sew T-shirt Pillows.

Cheap date ideas. (The Art of Manliness is, on occasion, my bible).

Exercise you can do at work and not look like an idiot. Related, I’m getting really into planking (Thanks Details Mag!).

Interesting piece on those weird slip-ups you make when you are from a lower-class background hobnobbing it (say, at your elite liberal arts college) with the upper-class folks. For example, why is Denny’s bad, everybody?

You know you spend too much time at a computer when: this article about eyestrain greatly improved your headache frequencies.

I love visualizing data. Here’s a great twitter/flickr mashup of the USA. You can actually see road structures.

What is better than food pr0n? INTERACTIVE food pron. My dad is addicted to this (to my taste bud’s delight).

For all my friends who are wielding their hard-won shiny new teaching certificates and maybe to make me feel better about my substitute teaching gig at my old high school

Creating vanity URLs for your Google+ ID. Get on this now, because those short handles are filling up.

All my hipsters pay attention. Develop film with instant coffee and vitamin C. (You took that to CVS? I did this in my kitchen).

ANNNNDDDD…to end it all, a guide to creating a “In-Case-of-Emergency” Document.

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Substitute teacher days are for updating one’s blog.

Each Disney Princess has a sin.

Using a French Press to make frothy milk for home-made lattes.

This artist/statistician/intrepid-cartographer created heat maps of cities based on where the tourists are.

I’m a big fan of multi-purpose jewelry. This wrench necklace would have helped when I was hauling my bike out of the shed a couple weeks ago.

This is a creepy-sad Batman/X-men French Movie. A good use of your next 10 minutes.

Youtube rolled out it’s “Top 100 Music Videos” feature. You have no excuse for not knowing the lyrics to “On the Floor” now.

Netflix is great. But sometimes the variety is overwhelming. This flow-chart helps you figure out which SciFi show to watch next. I’m thinking of moving on to Doctor Who this summer.

Yay for Rural Living!


Enjoy these on your sunny sunny Thursday.









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Animal [in the] House

There’s a long story as to how I ended up in the stacks of Dartmouth College’s library, but you just want links. You were going to do something with your Sunday afternoon [delight]? Also, I saw a fawn outside of the campus center this morning. Super cute. Watched as pubsafe tried to “herd” it into the woods.

Gizmodo reviews the Top 10 Anti-Virus programs. Or, as a friend pointed out, you could just switch to Linux.

Even if you don’t switch over, here are some nice desktop backgrounds from the newest Ubuntu release, “Natty Narwhal.”

I am trying to resurrect one of those old Blueberry Imacs. You know, from 2000? It’s not going that well. But I did enjoy/need this guide to lightweight OS for old computers.

Do something good for your sense of security: work out a good backup procedure.

Changing gears, here’s a snarky little post about being Twee.

A beautiful mash-up of 25 years of Pixar.

The Motherhood Dilemma: All the arguments for or against having children in one cartoon.

“Bacteria Dirigibles” for your bio-smart-bombing of diseased cells. So many opportunities for good, so many opportunities for steampunk jokes.

So when my friend and I get around to actually starting up our cupcake truck business, we will serve them in jars, sometimes.

How do you feel about using sequins in home decorating? In the bedroom? My GF has this one pillow which sheds silver sequins everywhere. Still finding them in my messenger bag, which lessens the tough computer fixer image I’m going for.

Supposedly it’s spring. Hahahahaha yeah okay sure (she says, looking at a pile of snow). But we’re getting all geared up for our summer garden (leeks! carrots! potatoes! various sundry other tubers!) and I bought some cilantro seeds. Here are some gardening blogs for inspiration.

If I had $50k, right now, I’d by one of these & travel around for awhile. Well, first I’d pay my college loans, but then I’d buy one of these Airstreams. Priorities: I have them.

Happy Spring!


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February Hymn

Late February is my least favourite time of the year.

So why not update my blog? Here goes:

Under “Cool Art Things,” an artist combined hundreds of tourist photos of major monuments to create haunting re-interpretations of well-known architectural silhouettes.

I’m a big fan of Cracked.com’s more creepy posts, so the guy over at oobject is pretty cool.

A look at how former bombing/war sites have been re-appropriated into agricultural centers.

The Criterion Collection is coming to HuluPlus! While that would not make me switch over, it’s kinda cool if you (like the parents I’m currently living with) already have a subscription.

Create your memory palace. I tried doing this once, only with a mental motif straight out of The Magician’s Nephew. It ended up being more a nightly meditation exercise/Occulmency practice.

Speaking of things to memorize…in case anyone forgot their hankycode. [NSFW, if you work in a lame place]

Last January I took a class from MIT’s OpenCourseWave called “Gender and Technology.” I read about these awesome math/Rosie-the-Riveter/computer women.

I may or may not have been carrying a crush on Amelia Earhart since I was 3. (Dear past self: note this passion for female aviators & maybe your coming-out won’t be so fraught with self-doubt). ANYWAY, the mystery is still unsolved, but people are going to try to solve her disappearance (or at least discredit rumor-mongers) using the DNA in her spit from letters.

Fantasy creatures? Check. Medical Illustrations? Check.

So earlier this week, someone coerced James Earl Jones into reading lyrics from Bieber’s “Baby.” Not finding that hilarious enough, someone put that audio to StarWars footage, creating the ultimate Sith weapon.

Using GoogleMaps to find streetart.

My GF is in need of a new, heavy-duty laptop carrier…in purple. Or leopard-print. Glitter? Something not-a-messenger-bag. (We don’t really see eye-to-eye sartorially). Here you go!

FINALLY! Multi-touch config file for Linux.

Gizmodo reviews: the Best Lego Sets of 2011.

Yay! Have a not-as-sucky-day!




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